This week was another crazy week. I feel like I say that every week now. But, this week went by so fast and I was busy every second of it!! My Meredith group and I have been working very hard to get our designs done and ready for our publishers by Friday. I love my design group, we work well together and everyone has such great ideas! They’ve had to be very patient with me this week because I was also on to design the Missourian cover story for today (Thursday). Which means most of my attention was focused on getting that done up until midnight last night.
I had a lot of stuff printed this week:

2. I also had department pages run this week. This week was kind of tricky, I didn’t have final text by Sunday, so I had to just kind of guess about the page based on a ROUGH rough draft I got via e-mail.
Let me know what you think of everything!

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